Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Prayers at the Children's Alter

On Sunday morning (Dec. 22nd) Annaliese and I headed to church.  I snapped a few shots of Annaliese at church today including one of her praying at the Children's Alter.  Annaliese and I usually go to this alter most Sundays after Mass and light a candle in the hopes that one day God will bless our family with another child.  I began praying at this alter in 2009 when Eric and I first started trying for a child.  I continued to pray through our pregnancy and any other time I felt drawn to it.  When Eric and I started trying to conceive another child in June of 2012 I again made my way each Sunday to this alter.  I continue to pray here often.  Annaliese wants nothing more than a sibling.  She asks for or discusses having a brother or sister most everyday in one way or another.  Eric and I want nothing more than to give her and us what we want most but know that it is not up to us.  Recently Eric and Annaliese were talking and she said that she wanted a baby at our house.  Eric told her that him and I have been talking to Jesus about seeing what he could do to make that happen.  Annaliese jumped up ran into her room, put on her PJ's, and began to brush her teeth before he went in there.  When he asked what she was doing she said, "I'm going to bed right now so I can wake up in the morning and have a baby at our house."  We both sat her down and explained that it wouldn't be tomorrow.  She was truly disappointed and asked again (as she has other times before), "why wont' God let us have a baby like other people?"

A warm, sunny Sunday at St. Paul's

Heading down High Street...on our way to a Winter Wonderland

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