Thursday, December 19, 2013

A Rough Morning but a enjoyable Birthday Evening

On Thursday, (the 14th) we started out at a make-up class for music.  We left there and next headed to our MOMS November party.  This is where the "roughness" set in.  We were having our meeting as usual...the moms were meeting and the kids were playing.  All of a sudden I heard a mom yelling across the way and as I looked over who was she yelling at but "my child."  Annaliese had been very rough with her daughter (apparently) and had her somewhat pinned down with a toy.  Instead of handling the situation calmly knowing that both parties involved were children the mom just went off on Annaliese in front of everyone.  I went over immediately and talked with Annaliese (not giving her any attention for the misbehavior) but instead talking it out.  To make a long story short, I sat very calmly and sad right beside Annaliese for the rest of the time until the meeting was over.  I definitely had tears in my eyes for most of the rest of the time and wanted to crawl in a hole.  But the mom did eventually come back over and apologize for her reaction.  I certainly know that it is not at all okay for Annaliese to put her hands on another child but it could have been handled differently.  I came home and gave myself a little "time out/pitty party" in my room alone.  Since Eric was on vacation he was home and talked to Annaliese about the situation when we got home.  He later told me what they had discussed:

Daddy: "Annaliese, what happened?  Why did you hurt the little girl?"

Annaliese: "Daddy, she was in my PERSONAL SPACE (with emphasis in her voice and very serious)."

She was so serious about her reasoning and was very frustrated that the girl was in her space.  Looking back I thought about it and the girl had been all around Annaliese for the entire meeting.  I hadn't really thought that it was a problem until it escalated into what it did.  So needless to say we had a whole discussion on what to do...instead of using our hands...when someone is in our "personal space!"
Crafting before the big blow up.

Among all the craziness of the meeting she came home with a cute turkey

After our discussion, we headed to Williamsburg with Adam to do a little early Christmas shopping.  It was so nice to be with Frul on his birthday.  We even ended the night with burgers at 5 Guys (his dinner choice)!

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