Sunday, September 29, 2013

My Sweet Little Catholic Girl on her First Day of Sunday School

Annaliese had her first day of Sunday School, the beginning of her journey to learning about her faith!  I am going to be a teacher assistant in her class this year, the preschool 3 and 4 year old group.  We had 7 little ones there today...some with tears, some without... but a good time had in all!  Annaliese was a great helper.  She passed out tissues to the sad ones, shared the crayons, and helped clean-up!  Looking forward to many more Sunday mornings!
So glad to be walking this road with you my love!

Congratulations Ashley and Matt

On Saturday we went to Ashley's wedding down at the beach.  She was such a beautiful bride and the wedding was just gorgeous.

 Of course the fam had to pose for pictures and then break it down on the dance floor!
This is not the first time these two have dressed alike!
People mistake us for sisters all the time, but we might as well be!

Love my date!

Siblings on the dance floor

Last Day at The Little Gym...a Dance Party!

It was a bittersweet day last Friday as we finished up our last day at The Little Gym.  Annaliese had so many wonderful experiences there, met some of her best friends, and were surrounded by fantastic teachers.  We couldn't have been happier with her experience there and have been enjoying it since she was 6 months old!  She had her last make up earlier in the day and then came back to spend the Friday night with her friends for a Dance Party!  They all had a great time and it was a nice send off for a final day there.  They enjoyed dancing, playing, and treats!  
Kailyn, Sophia, and Annaliese

Annaliese went from a front support all the way around for the 1st time by herself.  Once she accomplished it she kept going back for more and more. 

Thank you, Little Gym...for all the Good Times!

Dance Practice at Nedera School of Dance

Thursday night Aunt Loretta, Annaliese, and I went to my dad for dance lessons!  We were preparing for a wedding we were going to and wanted to get some practice in.  Dad and I practiced the hustle, Aunt Loretta practiced the Biker's Shuffle, and Annaliese practice it all!  This night was a perfect fit for our All About Music & Instruments theme this week!

Goofing Off in the Backyard

On Thursday Annaliese went to her music and gym classes. 
Doing the "Kidneys" Song at VBSA

"Bear Walks" on the bars

Getting stronger and stronger with her front support

 Afterwards, we came home and goofed around in the backyard trying to enjoy the warm fall air. 

She decided to take some pics on my camera and here are a few she got...


Last Week of The Little Gym

Annaliese went for a make-up class at The Little Gym last Wednesday.  We were trying to get as many make-ups in as we could before giving The Little Gym a break.  I am saying that we are giving it a "break" instead of officially leaving because I don't know how she will do at the new gym and so we may be back!

Miss Angel and Miss Corey (Tay and Brandon's friend)

Let It Grow, Let It Grow, Let It Grow

Last Tuesday, I went to get my hair done at Sallie's after Annaliese's library classes.  She of course wanted to take her turn in the chair but as you can see from the title of this post she didn't get anything done.  We have not cut Annaliese's hair yet.  She has beautiful hair and I am just so afraid if I cut it that I will cut the curl out.  I want to preserve those curly locks as long as possible.  Now, I would cut it if I thought it needed it but Sallie keeps telling me that it looks good and there is no need to cut it.  So we will just let it grow some more!  In the tub when wet her hair is down to her bottom but you wouldn't be able to tell it when it is dry.  She also has those natural highlights going on!  I usually get stopped at least 2-3 times a week with someone telling me she has beautiful hair. We will see what she thinks of it when she gets older!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Trial Class

On Monday Annaliese went to a Trial Class at a new gym...Excalibur Gymnastics!  She was very excited to be going to a new gym and did great.  I have been thinking of transitioning her to a new gym for a little while and decided now would be a good time.  She loves and has always loved The Little Gym but I think we are ready for a change.  I had signed her up last season for this fall session at The Little Gym and so she came for September.  She seems to be in a class with many children that have just moved up and I want her to continue to progress.  I decided that we would finish out September and then think about a change starting in October.  Because her trial class seemed to go so great I think we will give this new gym a shot.  For the first 15 minutes she had one on one instruction with the coach as there were no other children there.  Then one other child showed up.  Annaliese kept up very well for her first time.  She was enjoying herself and left talking about it.  She liked Coach Mario and responded well to a male teacher.  They end each session in the treehouse which proved to be fun! 

Fun on the 4-Wheeler

On Sunday we headed out to Greg and Vicky's for a Thirty-One/Football party.  The kids had a blast outside...riding the 4-Wheeler, the dad's had a blast in the garage...watching football, and the ladies had a blast inside...buying new bags!
Getting driving pointers from Dad

Caleb's face says it all

Skeleton...not for Halloween!

After the birthday party on Saturday Annaliese and I continued our studies on the body.  She had fun putting together this skeleton puzzle and reading some of my big books on the body!

The best way to learn...on the your PJs!

Happy Birthday Walter and Wesley

On Saturday we went to Walter and Wesley's birthday party in NC.  They have such awesome property for a party and the weather was great.  Wesley was adorable on his 1st b-day and didn't manage to get too messy with his cake!

Kristen, Wesley, Walter

Trying to feed her some

A Blind Artist

Since we had been talking about our bodies last week  on Friday I had her experience what it would be like to be blind.  I had her paint blindfolded so she would understand the feeling of not using your sense of sight.  I told her that she had to tell me at the end whether she liked painting better blind or not blind.  She told me definitely not blind and wanted the blindfold off pretty quickly!