Monday, October 28, 2013

Flu Shot and Treat with a Stranger!

After the MOMS Halloween Party we picked up Baba and headed to the Dr. for Annaliese's flu shot.  She was such a brave girl.  I squeezed her with a hug as she squeezed her animal and the nurse gave her the stick.  She barely flinched and was proud of herself afterwards.  She is so easy to talk to/prepare for these kinds of things.  We talk beforehand, she asks questions, I answer, she talks to herself about it in her play, and then she executes pretty successfully most all of the time. She has not ever complained/fretted/tantrumed over getting shots...thankfully!

She loves getting weighed

She's so comfortable at her doctor's office...we love Ped Affiliates! 

Getting her prize
Because one of her favorite places is right around the corner from the doctor's office, I told her that after her shot I would take her and Baba to KK for that pumpkin donut she's been wanting!  When we got to KK she went up to the counter picked out her donut and then picked out our table...right with this sweet, old man!!!  Baba and I just looked at each other when she came back and told us that we were sitting "with him for our donut!"  She walked right over to him, pulled up a chair, and started talking with him while Baba and I were in line!  Now any other time I would have talked to her about strangers but she was just so innocent and polite to the man and really, truly MADE HIS DAY!  Baba took one look at me and said, "well I guess I'll go sit with him too!"  So we all just made a time of it.  Annaliese told him her life story talking to him about everything.  He and Baba struck up many conversations too!  When Baba told her to sing Amazing Grace for him he started singing with her and so they both sang the song right there in the middle of KK!  It was super sweet.  He made sure that she had a hat and balloon before he left along with the rest of his donut holes!  Needless to say we really enjoyed our KK visit today!
Annaliese and her "senior," "stranger" friend!!

Telling the man one of many stories

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